Ancestors of

Teunis (Tunis) den Hartog (1870 - 1951)

from Schoonrewoerd, South Holland

Married on 23-10-1890 in Haaften to

 Hester Verploegh Heijkoop (1869 - 1936)

from Tuil, Gelderland

Teunis (Tunis) Den Hartog 15G

Found a total of 48 generations of ancestors.


Bazzano, Behrens, Bloodworth, Cornelissen, Dieleman, Donnelly,  van Halm, den Hartog, Hinders, Hudnut, Geurts, Grandia, Katko, van Loon, Louderback, Maloy, van Oene, Phillips, Philpot, van Polen, Reitzler, Selby, Sereg, Whitlatch.     

             Teunis (Tunis) is a descendant of Charlemagne through both parents and

              also a descendant of Thaennisz in den Boogaertman through his father.

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