Ancestors of

Hendrika (Henrietta) Heikoop (1791-1877)

married on 14-6-1814 in Leerdam to

Gerrit Klein(1793-1855)


Hendrika (Henrietta) Heikoop 9G

Found a total of 9 generations of ancestors.

2325 descendants

Surnames from the  8th to the 10th generations:

Aalbers, Ankeney, Beller, Beal, Benton, Bissell, Bogaards, Boterf, Brand, Bruxvoort,

Cervantes, Chappell, Clark, Coleman, Cooper, Copple, Dunlap, Ehler, van Ekeren,

Faidley, Fleet, Fore, Froelich, Gardner, Garrett, Gilbert, Gunther, van Hal, van Hemert, Hollingsworth, Horstman, Houwelingen,

Ide, Janssen, de Jong,

Kamerick, Kaufman, Kersbergen, Killoren, Klein, Klyn, Kouri, Lanier, Lanser, Lathrop, van Lingen, van der Linden, Lindsay, Little, Lund,

Main, McCreery, Mckinzey, van der Molen, Mosher, Nemec, Olivier,

Pittman, Plate, Pokorney, van Polen, Pomkyal, Pothoven, Pudal,

Randol, de Reus, Richardson, Roorda, van Ryswyk, Schakel, Schirz, Schoonover, Schott, Schuttinga, See, Shannon, Slegh, Smith, Sietstra, Sprouse, Steenhoek, Stursma, Sytsma,

Terpstra, Towle,

Vermeer, de Vries, Wademan, Walker, Warmink, van der Wert, Westra, Wichhart, Willis, Wilson, Winegar, Witzenburg, Worden,     van Zee.
